When clients give you gin, you make a cocktail brand awareness campaign, user-generated content, and a competition.
Nordés Summer Flavors
We love being creative with our campaigns and we’re lucky enough to have clients that allow us to do just that. So when one day, one of our clients, International Brand Stores, needed a brand awareness campaign for a new product we knew we had to do something creative. But what could we do?
After a lot of research, we decided that the best way to go is a cocktail competition with the product they want to promote, Nordés Gin.
The approach
First things first. Who is our audience?
For a product like Nordés Gin, and for this specific campaign, we decided to focus on a younger audience (of legal age), people between the ages of 21 to 39, from urban areas, who are either bartenders or alcohol consumers with an affinity for gin or cocktails in general.
Now that we defined the audience, let’s work on the campaign.
What we wanted from this campaign was to build brand recognition for Nordés and effectively increase engagement with the brand at the highest ROI. We also wanted to build a community around the brand and get some user-generated content that we could use later on.
The concept
Our team created the “Nordés Summer Flavors” campaign, a competition open to the general public, where they could participate by creating their own cocktail recipe in order to win cash prizes and vouchers.
The competition would require participants to film themselves making the cocktail and photograph the final product in order to be considered to win.
The work
We have the audience, we have the idea, and we have the concept. Time to do the work.
The first step was to create the visuals for the campaign. We went for a young, colorful, urban design that would fit the competition and the vibe we wanted to convey.

Visual concept: checked. Now it’s time to create the sign-up page people could use to join our competition. They simply had to register with their names and social media accounts. We then selected the finalists with the help of a professional bartender and send them a Nordés cocktail kit. The finalists had to create their own cocktail, film it, photograph it, and send it to us.

But before they could send us the content, we had to send them the cocktail kit with the gin and the merchandise of the campaign. We made sure to offer them not only a complete kit but also make it friendly and unique. We wanted to give them something they can use for a long time.

Once we got the content from all the finalists, we carefully chose the best ones with the help of a bartender judge, and the best ones we uploaded to our client’s Facebook page, where people from the community could vote for their favorite.
Initially, we had 3 prizes, but we decided to include special prizes for the finalists who were not professional bartenders, but created fun content and were appreciated by the community.
The results
Now that you’ve been with us on the adventure of creating this campaign, time to find out the results. Did we manage to create brand awareness for Nordés Gin? Did we manage to generate content from the participants? Did we build a community around the brand?
We think we did!
We had 80 sign-ups on the landing page, out of which we selected 13 finalists. Once we uploaded their videos on social media, we reached 32.000 people, generated 15.000 video views, and offered 6 prizes.
If you want to learn more about this campaign you can do this here and if you want to do a campaign like this for your brand you can contact us at hello@balloonline.ro.
Let’s do awesome stuff together!